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Let’s Succeed Together

Welcome to Academy Hill School. This site provides an overview of services provided to students and families. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, concerns or ideas about your child and his or her social, emotional or academic wellbeing, 

If you are looking for information not provided on this website, please reach out to us. 

Looking forward to working with you,

Mrs. Conlogue and Ms. Mattens

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Take a look at the different services offered to students and families. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us and we can brainstorm strategies and options to meet your needs.

Academy Hill  is a buzzing place. Check out what is happening.

Supportive Counseling

An Individualized Approach

Students have the opportunity to check in with Mrs. Conlogue on an individual basis. How can this be requested? By teacher, parent or student themselves. Individual check-ins are provided for a short period of time to help students work through transitions or help them process changes occurring in their lives.

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Small Group Counseling

We Learn Together

A variety of small groups are offered to students who may benefit from spending some extra time developing academic, social, or emotional skills along with their peers, and to students who are coping with similar life situations.  Groups can have anywhere from 3-4 members and usually meet once a week for a period of 6 to 8 weeks.


Classroom SEL

Learning And Working As A Community

Classrooms receive guidance throughout the year. Lessons last typically 30 minutes and can cover topics such as problem solving skills, mindfulness and essential life skills.



At Academy Hill School we work hard on having a growth mindset.


Believe you can


you are halfway there.

Theodore Roosevelt


The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.

Jack Sparrow


I am always doing

what I cannot do yet.

In order to learn how to do it.

Vincent Van Gogh

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Academy Hill School

585 Depot Street

Wilton, ME 04924


Phone: 207-645-4488


Fax: 207-645-3844

©2023 by Sofie Mattens. Proudly created with

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